Waffle Maker
Everyone loves waffles! They seem to have replaced pancakes as the feel-good breakfast that all the family likes, and they're increasingly popular as a dessert as well. Obviously, a waffle maker would be a welcome addition to any home, so here's what to look out...
XBox One Consoles Buying Guide
The Xbox One is hailed as a combination of features like no other, namely exclusive games, a multi-player that really pushes the envelope, and general entertainment sensations, including live TV, that you'll struggle to find anywhere else. Reviews of the Xbox One seem to back...
Chainsaws Buying Guide
When buying a chainsaw, your decision will be based on how often you use it, where you use it, and what you use it for.
Electric Toothbrushes Buying Guide
An electric toothbrush is an effective way to keep your teeth clean, and your gums healthy, especially if you choose the right model!
Nappies Buying Guide
Choosing nappies usually comes down to a choice between disposable or cloth. Both have their benefits, as you'll soon discover.
Mattress Buying Guide
We spend a third of our lives in bed, so buying a new mattress is a very important purchase.
Handheld Vacuum Cleaners Buying Guide
Handheld vacuum cleaners are perfect for handling smaller cleaning jobs in a matter of moments compared to conventional vacuum cleaners. To make that job even easier, and quicker, here are some things to look out for.
Hedge Trimmer Buying Guide
Hedges can look beautiful but they can be hard work to keep in shape - unless, of course, you own a top-notch hedge trimmer to make the job easy. What should you look out for when buying a hedge trimmer?
Multimedia Player Buying Guide
The humble home entertainment system looks even more humble when you compare it to a multimedia player. Where different video and audio components have to come together to create a traditional entertainment system, a multimedia player offers a seamless all-in-one centre for music, video, streaming,...
Lawn Mower Buying Guide
Lawn mowing is like paying taxes. Something you must do, albeit very reluctantly. If it's something you must do, you might as well do it with a fair degree of ease, which is something you should be able to achieve by following this guide.
Pressure Washer Buying Guide
A pressure washer - otherwise known as a water blaster - is a very fast and high-powered way to clean a large surface, or a particularly stubborn stain. Not all pressure washers are created equal, however, and this guide will help you select the type...
PlayStation 4 Buying Guide
PlayStation 4 faces lots of competition in the world of gaming, but thanks to constant innovations, upgrades and reinventions, PS4 is still one of the leaders in the digital entertainment industry. Here's what to look for when you're buying a PlayStation 4.
Fridge Freezer Buying Guide
Fridge/Freezers come in many different configurations: fridge on top, freezer at the bottom. Or, freezer on top, fridge at the bottom. Or, fridge on one side, freezer on the other side.
Ironing Boards Buying Guide
A high-quality iron makes ironing easier. But add a top-notch ironing board to the equation, and ironing becomes easier again. Therefore, you should think carefully when choosing an ironing board - make the right choice and you'll be rewarded with faster, smoother ironing and better...
Mobile Phone Checklist bottom
Today's smartphones offer you pretty much everything you want and need, including the ability to make the occasional phone call! With so many choices and features at your disposal, what basics should you be looking at as you make your final decision?
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