Mobile Phones Buying Guide
No longer are cellphones used just for calling, or even texting for that matter. Gone are the days of brick-sized phones with briefcase-sized batteries - this is the age of phones that will do almost everything except make coffee. And who knows; give them a...

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Commercial vacuum cleaners Buying Guide
Looking at buying a commercial vacuum cleaner? You have a lot of choice and just as much to consider. This buying guide should help you narrow your search.
3D Printers buying guide
The future has arrived in the form of 3D printers. If you want to know what to look for if you're in the market for one, check out this buying guide
Broadband Buying Guide
Make sure your broadband connection is up to speed. Read our guide before you commit.
Freestanding ovens Buying Guide
Freestanding ovens might look the same but there are subtle differences between models as this buying guide will explain.
Cycling Shoes
Choosing the right cycling shoe will help you enjoy better performance and comfort. Here's what to look out for.
Mobile Wifi Routers
A mobile WiFi router will keep you online and in touch wherever you happen be, just as long as the coverage is decent. In New Zealand, we can expect that sort of coverage all over the country, so you should get maximum use out of...
Football boots Buying Guide
A great pair of football boots won't necessarily turn you into a superstar but they will give you the support and comfort you need whatever level you aspire to.
Soundbars Buying Guide
Not every television blasts out premium sound. This can make the viewing experience a less than satisfying one, given that the audio aspect is just as important as the visual one when you’re watching a movie or tv show, or playing your favourite game. A...
Running shoes Buying Guide
The wrong running shoes can cause problems from the feet and ankles, right up to your hips and back. Follow this guide to choosing the right shoes, and a large part of your body will thank you for it.
Rice Cookers
Soggy and gloopy rice is very unappealing, but it's all too common because rice can be tricky to cook. A rice cooker takes the guesswork out of cooking this grain and gives you perfect results every time.
Chest Freezers
When you run out of room in your fridge/freezer, or if you need to store food for a growing family, a chest freezer is an affordable solution. Here's what to look for when buying one.
Sandwich Makers
For a quick and tasty snack on the run, a toasted sandwich is ideal. A good sandwich maker can make that snack even quicker and tastier!
Outdoor Tents
Whether you're camping in the backyard, or in the Great Outdoors, you want a tent that will protect you from the elements. Here's what should be on your checklist when buying a tent.
Amplifiers Receivers
Amplifiers and receivers are different but they do one thing the same - produce great sound!
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