Prams, Strollers, and Buggies Buying Guide


Posted on 9/04/2013

Let's open this discussion on prams, strollers, and buggies with one word: safety. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regularly issues bulletins and information about any of these devices if they have been recalled or banned from the marketplace. The need to be aware of this is incredibly important because there are so many different prams, strollers, and buggies that it can be quite easy to purchase a flawed or faulty model.

Once you know to look for ACCC approval, you can then begin to narrow down the choices by "style".

The Styles Available


Though designed to function like the everyday stroller, the jogging styles have sturdier frames (with support for the suspension), and are meant to be used when a parent is jogging or in terrain that may be unsuitable for a more standard form of stroller. Even better is that more and more of these heavier duty designs are showing up as tandem or "two person" models.

Travel style

These models are meant to provide parents with more than a single solution. They will have a "carry cot" or other tote along with the actual stroller. They are perfect for traveling or days spent outdoors. The child can enjoy a comfortable ride in the buggy and then recline in a comfortable cot when it is time for a nap.

Full size

These can often be found as "layback" models because they are extremely large and fold down in order to give the child a chance to ride or sleep comfortably. These are also usually equipped with tops that can be pulled open or closed to offer shade and protection to the child. These models may also be "umbrella" styles that fold up easily.

Dual seat

Found in full size and as a jogging model, the tandem or dual seat strollers are super convenient for the parents of twins or for households with two children close in age. These often have to be sturdier and more rugged than a standard model because they are holding two active and heavier children.

The Other Factors

Once you have found the appropriate style for your needs, you have to be sure that you are able to get the features you want as well. For instance, does the pram, stroller, or buggy have the appropriate controls? Shock absorbers, breaks, and large wheels usually translate to a more comfortable and easily controlled ride, and should factor into your consideration.

Extra padding, covers and weather shields, and storage baskets are also very useful. You may also want to consider whether or not there are harness belts for children who are ready to walk when you prefer they ride.

While many parents are tempted to purchase a lightweight "umbrella" stroller that does not weigh much more than its namesake, we don't really recommend this. For one thing, they are often very uncomfortable for a child beyond the age of three since the seats work like slings that may force the child to sit in an awkward pose. Additionally, few of these are safety rated and durable enough to take long-term wear and tear. They also cannot fold down to allow a sleeping child to enjoy a decent nap.

Of course, some parents may not have the budget for the larger or more fully featured units. If that is the case, there are ways to purchase safe and effective units that can then be outfitted with affordable accessories. Consider that there are also some companies that sell strollers and buggies that can eventually be equipped with a "double kit". This allows parents who have already purchased a high-end model to simply attach a second seat at a higher position. Rather than a side by side buggy, this creates a double-decker that will provide a safe seat and yet without breaking the household's budget.


We have just been speaking of the budget, and this is always a factor to consider. You don't want to ever go "too cheap" because this just ends up as a total waste of money. This is why it is best to shop around for the best models, and then to compare them on a side by side basis. This lets you get a very accurate view of the features and functions. Some of the best comparison shopping websites also allow buyers to see if any positive or negative feedback is available for a particular unit.

This is a very valuable bit of information for parents or shoppers to use. Whenever someone who owns a particular model feels strongly enough to leave a comment about the buggy or stroller, it should be seen as good advice. Whether it is positive or negative is not important, it is that any feedback available is often coming from parents who want to help others to make good decisions, and that is always one of the best ways to choose gear for your child.

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